Monday, October 12, 2009

The Weekend

I love going to home for a good weekend. Amanda and I left on Thursday evening. It was a miracle we made it. She was asleep in the passenger seat I was driving, curled up, trying not to move because my body ached so bad. I was getting sick. Again. 3 times in the last 2 months. Ridiculous. Instead of spending a weekend partying with friends and family, I spent a good deal of it in my bed. We (Amanda and I) had lunch with Dad a Flat Bread, then we went glasses shopping, and then Dad took Gabby, Amanda and I to Greenwood's to try on ski boots. Brandon and Cody flew in Friday night, from that point on I was quarantined to staying as far away from the brother as I could. He has midterms next week, can't get sick. Then the grandmother flew in on Saturday morning. I spent a lot of time in the corner, usually on my bed asleep. She couldn't get sick either. Saturday afternoon was mom's piano recital. My mom is amazing. She is the most amazing pianist I have ever heard. She stirs the soul with how she plays the piano. So after a great weekend of staying in my bed and living on Dayquil, while the whole family partied together, we made it back. We were lucky enough to have Wylie in need of a ride back to Utah so he chauffeured us back to Utah. The first time I have ever sat in the backseat of my car for a long period of time, it was great. Fell asleep, watched a movie, relaxed. Lucky us.


  1. It stinks to be sick!! and I agree, your mom is the best piano player ever!! :)

  2. I was so fun to see you guys this weekend. You mom is a fabulous pianist, one of a many things she is fabulous at too! Hope you get better soon.
