Wednesday, January 13, 2010


When life throws you a curve ball, for example work changes, or you get strep (for the 2nd time, 5th time of being really sick in the last few months) that turns into a nasty cold... everyone should have one of these smiling faces to meet you when you get home work.

A. Goes and works out with you.
B. Wears workout pants and a white V with you to lunch.
C. Buys you lunch.
D. Lets you get a diet coke.
C. Goes to consignment stores with you.
E. Cancels her plans for the evening.
F. Does homework while you do yoga and doesn't laugh at you.
G. Goes to the sauna... and teachers you sister new dance moves.
H. Her name is almost like your name, just add an A at the beginning.

Melia. Melia Harris that is

I. And she brings you cheesecake on random days.

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